Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Situationist International

Suggestions from Denise:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Street Car Article

Article on Street Cars that was in the Columbus Dispatch:

The article addresses some of the local thought regarding the streetcars coming to Columbus.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Entertainment/Residential/Retail Blocks

The developments facing both High Street and Main Street would be developed so that both scale and materiality would blend in with the historical nature of the existing buildings that would remain - although not necessarily the same architectural expression. The buildings facing both High and Main Streets would be retail on the first level - the second floor could be additional retail space or offices (residential would not work due to extreme length and lack of natural light).
The remaining development depicted in the posting would be composed of retail/entertainment use on the lower levels and residential units above (i.e. the taller blocks in section). The goal is to create an atmosphere of constant change throughout the day: morning - afternoon - early evening - late night.
Morning= subdued (breakfest)
Afternoon= lively (lunch and shopping)
Early evening= intimate (dinner and live music)
Late night= energetic (bars, clubs and live entertainment)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Government Block

The buildings portrayed in the government block represent several functions, government/agency office spaces, historical elements and to serve as a "bookend" to the government space in the downtown area. The office buildings (three large green masses) are meant for the elected officials to have there primary office spaces as well as various government agencies. The buildings are portrayed as glass buildings, however they can vary. The building in the center, would serve as a museum (historical society would be relocated to this location and a state museum) as well as containing the state library. The buildings materiality is portrayed as limestone, sympethetic to the materiality of the state capitol's limestone facades. The courtyard would serve as a leisure space that could serve as impromptu gathering spaces.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Riverfront District

The images posted are for the riverfront district of the masterplan. The following postings will follow a similar format (on a sheet with description).

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Master Plan

Master plan and additional images posted:
Ariel of Downtown Columbus:
The ariel along with the photographs from a previous posting illustrates the nature of the downtown area. The area consists of many open lots along with a riverfront that is not addressed by most buildings and landscaping. The city has begun addressing the riverfront by creating the "Scioto Mile" which will run along the river and reduce Civic Center Drive from 5 lanes of traffic to 3 lanes. The goal is to help attract people to the riverfront along with various festivals (i.e. art, music, etc). Additionally, this solution would help achieve a more pedestrian friendly environment - which is severly lacking.

The masterplan is color coded to depict the different use groups and potential greenspaces throughout the city. The major component is to begin addressing the pedestrian environment, the plan begins to create boulevards and spaces that encourage walking to destinations - additionally the reliance on cars is somewhat minimized by relocating major roadways below ground and with the addition of a rail way system (transportation drawing to be posted later).

Large Scale Section:

Waterfront Perspective:
The main feature of the plan addresses the waterfront. By adding a pedestrian bridge that connects the downtown core to the Scioto Pennisula (approx 40 acre site) it adds possibilities of further connection/interaction with further development across the river. The bridge, which would sit just above the river could be used as a destination/place for leisure activities and festivals. In addition to the bridge, a large scale building would be added, to help add year-round activities at the riverfront (i.e. bars, clubs, resturants, markets, etc.). A walkway would run along side the river, containing several small scale cafe's/resturants to help invigorate the riverfront.