Sunday, June 15, 2008

Where to go from here?

Based on the comments from the review, I will be working on revising the masterplan for Columbus - specifically, working on some scale issues, further refining transportation routes, and looking for additional pedestrian environments as precedents to learn from.
The specifics for the masterplan will be to further research vehicular and pedestrian relationships (i.e. Las Ramblas in Barcelona - how the pedestrian movement is on both sides and on a center island and maybe looking at the Short North in Columbus for strategies on this relationship). Additionally, I will work on refining the scale on certain portions of the masterplan and additional relationships between buildings and roads.
A phasing plan will also be developed, so that it might add additional validity to the overall scheme. Preliminary thoughts on phasing:
Phase 1: adaptation of the existing transportation arteries (the main pedestrian movement) and mass transit hub/lines along with a catalyst project - potentially the bridge (allow for a connection with downtown Columbus and Franklinton/Scioto Pennisula)
Phase 2a: retail growth along the two major axis (High Street and Town St) within the core. - riverfront/boardwalk
Phase 2b: residential growth and cultural building
Phase 3: offices along the riverfront
Phase 4 government square
Based on completion of the masterplan, I will be moving forward with a bridge design at Town St - which will be a multi-use element, something that will allow for vehicular traffic as well as pedestrian movement as well as incorporating a transit hub and small scale retail and public space (leisure activity, gathering spaces for festivals, etc). The programming for this portion of the project will be dictated in part by the results of the masterplan and the phasing plan.
Precedent to look at:
Yokohama Port Terminial: FOA
-FOA implemented a landscape that was occupiable at the roof line that moved throughout the building as well as incorporating several use groups in the building.

Intensive: Presentation and Additional Images from Intensive

Select Images of the "final" presentation at the Boston Intensive:

Study Models:
Grid Manipulation Models:

Movement Sketch Models:

Monday, June 2, 2008

Critque Comments

Items/comments from Intensive review 5.31.08:

1. Further document the area under investigation and define the areas that do not work and show how the masterplan addresses the problems/issues.

2. Analyze the proposed masterplan so that the interventions address the issues clearly - make the parti clear.

3. Can the river address the buildings rather then having buildings address the river? By implementing the pedestrian bridge, the Scioto Pennisula needs to be addressed as an area of redevelopment.

4. Masterplan vs. Building? What direction do I move forward with? Can simply focusing on one building serve as the catalyst for the masterplan?