Saturday, April 26, 2008

Population Data

Population, Number of Households and Employment numbers are based from 2005, the most current statistics that were provided to me from the MORPC. Data also includes projections through 2030 in 5 year increments. All data is for Downtown Columbus/Central Business District - defined by the Scioto River, 70/71 interchanges and 670.

2000: 3,566
2005: 4,357
2010: 10,465
2015: 14,434
2020: 16,726
2025: 18,952
2030: 19,141

2000: 2,530
2005: 3,101
2010: 7,401
2015: 8,453
2020: 9,476
2025: 10,680
2030: 93,274

2000: 89,077
2005: 97,387
2010: 103,229
2015: 106,305
2020: 109,473
2025: 112,933
2030: Projection not available

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